Herd Mentality vs. Financial Freedom: Escaping the Norm

Social Boundaries Money has a way of breaking people into classes and throughout history we have always had a class system in our society. In our modern society we often talk about where the majority of people spend their lives – the middle class. This is merely the middle ground between two extremes; the poor … Read more

How Small Steps Lead to Your Financial Evolution

The learning process is often viewed as being cruel and painful because we typically learn by failing. Our failures force us to do better and as the saying goes we learn from our mistakes. Many people believe they can shortcut the learning process, bypass the unpleasantness of failure, and quickly change but unfortunately this rarely … Read more

How to Save More and Spend Less: Needs vs. Wants Explained

These top ten lists are everywhere but are most annoying to me when it comes to managing your finances. Whether it’s the top ten ways to save more, spend less or trim your budget these lists all have a common theme: the importance of tracking your expenses. We only have eight here “8 Sensible Living … Read more

Life Oriented Financial Training…. Finally

When I reflect back on my education I’m often left wondering why I was taught certain subjects and to such great detail. As a scientist I was required to learn advanced level calculus, differential equations, chemistry, and physics. It’s certainly nice to have some knowledge about these sciences. But I can honestly say I’ve never … Read more

Throw Darts at the Paper to Pick Stocks

When it comes to investing your hard earned money many people agonize over what investments to pick. I’m reminded of an old joke investment advisors used to tell clients. When markets are way down such as during a recession you could take the stock listings from a newspaper and throw darts at the paper to … Read more

Why Diversified ETFs Are Your Best Bet in the Long-Term

Humans love to recognise patterns and one of our greatest skills is our ability to reason. When we observe a pattern happening in the present we can make logical predictions about the future. Extrapolation This skill is called extrapolation. If the pattern happens to be governed by a scientific law our future predictions are guaranteed. … Read more

The Financial Impact of Hitting the Mortgage Trigger Point

Imagine someone pointing a gun at you and your future hangs on that person’s finger pressing against the trigger. It’s a situation none of us ever want to face. Unfortunately, there is a similar situation happening to many people these days. It even has a similar name: trigger point. What’s a Trigger Point? So what … Read more

Are You Financially by that River In Egypt?

Someone told me a joke a long time ago that had to do with me avoiding my problems. When I said I had it all under control they told me I was spending too much time next to that river in Egypt. Looking at my puzzled face they responded “you know, de nial”. It’s always … Read more

The Closest Thing To A Free Financial Lunch

When it comes to investing there’s an inevitable rule that tends to drive people crazy. Everybody wants the best possible growth for their investment dollar, and we all want that growth with minimal risk. Risk-Growth Relationship The inevitable rule is that risk and growth share a rather nasty love–hate relationship. In order to achieve better … Read more

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