Where the Experts Say to Invest Your Portfolio Now

The holy grail of investing is to get maximum return with minimum risk. Wise investors not only know this is impossible but in fact risk and reward share a contrary relationship. The higher the risk the higher the potential reward; low risk equals low reward. Since each investment type has a range of risk versus … Read more

Fun In The Snow – Compound Growth Explained

The first signs of winter were overdue this year but once again we’re dealing with the reality of the snowy season. Who can forget that first snowfall and a child’s insatiable urge to build a snowman? Actually, snow is an amazing substance and children quickly learn that the best snow for making snowmen is the … Read more

Invest Smarter by Saving on Fees for Long-Term Success

It’s early January and I’m seeing a blitz of commercials promoting low fee investing services. The timing of these ads is no coincidence as people are fresh into New Year’s Resolutions and wanting to ensure a better future. So is all this hype about reducing investing fees really true? Do those higher fees make a … Read more

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