Managing Your Money: Balancing Freedom and Responsibility

We all love freedom—the freedom to choose, to act, to speak, and even to spend. Living in a democratic society like Canada, we’re fortunate to enjoy freedoms that many around the world can only dream of. We can speak our minds, worship as we choose, gather together, and advocate for what we believe in. But … Read more

Leveraging Change for a Better Financial Future

We all love the comfort of our daily routines. That familiar pattern of work, home, and life feels safe and predictable. But what happens when change comes knocking on the door? Most of us feel anxious, maybe even frustrated. After all, change can force us to make decisions, change plans, or adapt to something new, … Read more

Who Wins When You Use a Money Manager?

There’s an old story that illustrates a very important lesson about managing your money. It goes like this: A financial advisor, eager to gain a prospective client’s trust, takes the client on a tour of an exclusive yacht club. The advisor points out all the luxury sailboats owned by fellow financial advisors, fund managers, and … Read more

Understanding the 80-10-10 Rule for Personal Finance

Money management is a vital skill for everyone, but it can sometimes feel overwhelming. The 80-10-10 rule is a simple guideline that can help you manage your finances effectively. This rule focuses on dividing your income into three parts: 80% for living expenses, 10% for savings, and 10% for giving. Let’s dive deeper into this … Read more

The Basic Rule of Personal Finance: Needs vs. Wants

“You Can’t Always Get What You Want” is a famous song by the Rolling Stones. This song speaks to the difference between desire and need. Sometimes, when you’re chasing something you think you need, life can be tough. But in the end, you often find you get what you actually need. This idea is central … Read more

What Does It Mean to Offer Personal Finance?

Personal finance is about managing your money wisely to achieve financial security and reach your goals. This involves budgeting, saving, investing, and planning for the future. David and I believe that this means making sure that your money goes where you need it to go, not wasted on non-essentials. Many people turn to financial planners … Read more

Annuities and Retirement: How to Ensure a Lifetime Income

Have you heard the term annuity and wondered what it is or how it works? Could it be right for you? Let’s break it down simply and clearly. What is an Annuity? An annuity is a contract between you and a financial institution, often a life insurance company. You give them money, and in return, … Read more

Herd Mentality vs. Financial Freedom: Escaping the Norm

Social Boundaries Money has a way of breaking people into classes and throughout history we have always had a class system in our society. In our modern society we often talk about where the majority of people spend their lives – the middle class. This is merely the middle ground between two extremes; the poor … Read more

The Definition Of Insanity Applied to Family Finances

I’ve been told that doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result can be used to label a person as insane. If that were truly the case I suspect that more than half the population would qualify. We are creatures of habit after all. What that means is we often learn … Read more

A Step-by-Step Guide to Budgeting Like a Pro

Meet John and John and Sarah. They were tired of living paycheck to paycheck and feeling stressed about money. They knew that they needed to take control of their finances, and create a step-by-step guide to budgeting, but they weren’t sure where to start. That’s when they decided to take the plunge and create a … Read more

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