Invest for Success: The Danger of Speculating

Investing is one of the best ways to grow your wealth and secure your financial future. If you’re like most people, you’ve probably heard more than one story about someone losing their shirt in a bad investment. Whether it’s a speculative stock, a hot tip, or a company that seemed like a sure thing you … Read more

What is the Difference Between Investment and Gambling?

When we talk about money, two concepts often come up: investing and gambling. At first glance, they might seem similar—both involve risk and the potential for financial gain or loss. However, they are fundamentally different in purpose, strategy, and outcomes. In this blog post, we’ll explore these differences in a clear and straightforward way. We’ll … Read more

What Does a Margin of Safety Mean for My Investments?

Wise investment advisors often talk about having a margin of safety as part of their financial strategy. But what exactly does that mean? It’s a difficult concept to explain. However, by doing your due diligence before making investment decisions you can have some assurance of safety if the future brings an unpleasant surprise. For those … Read more

Planting Seeds of Prosperity with RRSPs and ETFs

As spring approaches and the weather turns warmer many of us are preparing our garden. Investing money is a lot like planting a garden. Both tasks require dedication, perseverance and attention to detail. The nice thing about investments is that they can grow in several different ways. The key is to maximize how your money … Read more

Maximize Money: Smart Investments Simplified

Keep It Simple, Already These days most people want an easy painless method to achieve financial security. Sorry, but that magic bullet simply doesn’t exist. Having now written two books on this topic I can say there are a four essential steps to getting your finances in order. Let’s review: Step one: Commit to saving … Read more

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