Personal Investing: Navigating Chaos with Simplicity

The Whipsaw of Market Chaos Before the days of gas-powered chainsaws, lumberjacks relied on a tool called a whipsaw to cut large logs. The whipsaw was a long metal blade with handles on both ends, requiring two people to push and pull in opposite directions to make a cut. It looked chaotic—a constant back-and-forth of … Read more

Throw Darts at the Paper to Pick Stocks

When it comes to investing your hard earned money many people agonize over what investments to pick. I’m reminded of an old joke investment advisors used to tell clients. When markets are way down such as during a recession you could take the stock listings from a newspaper and throw darts at the paper to … Read more

Why Diversified ETFs Are Your Best Bet in the Long-Term

Humans love to recognise patterns and one of our greatest skills is our ability to reason. When we observe a pattern happening in the present we can make logical predictions about the future. Extrapolation This skill is called extrapolation. If the pattern happens to be governed by a scientific law our future predictions are guaranteed. … Read more

Fun In The Snow – Compound Growth Explained

The first signs of winter were overdue this year but once again we’re dealing with the reality of the snowy season. Who can forget that first snowfall and a child’s insatiable urge to build a snowman? Actually, snow is an amazing substance and children quickly learn that the best snow for making snowmen is the … Read more

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